No more chest-beating, hear from our Buy4Tradies members | Buy4Tradies
By Andy Smith
If you’re new to Buy4Tradies, there’s something important you should know. We’re on a mission to be the largest buying group in Australia, helping small- to medium-sized trade business owners — electricians, plumbers, air-conditioning, solar technicians, builders, landscapers, painters, and more — save time and money through efficiencies and collective bargaining power. WE. SECURE. BETTER. PRICING. FOR. YOU.
Forgive me for being a bit shouty about it, but it’s bloody exciting to be able to help trade business owners from around Australia to level up in what’s an increasingly competitive market, where rising expenses are doing everyone’s head in. If you feel like the ‘big guys’ are getting all the discounts, becoming a member of Buy4Tradies will help you get HUGE savings on materials, fuel, vehicles, insurance, tools — and more!
No more chest-beating from me, hear from our Buy4Tradies members.
Meet Simon, Ocean Air Electrical
Meet Nash, Electricore
Meet Adam, Arc Electrical & Data
Meet Stuart, E-Tec Electrical Technology
See how much you can save!
So, I would encourage you to push through with the Price Savings Calculator, if you’re feeling hesitant about giving it a go. Really, you’ve nothing to lose!